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Iliana Malek

/Token Cardassian


Born in Seneret, Cardassia Prime


Before the Dominion War, Iliana Malek was an undercover operative for the Obsidian Order, working to gather intelligence within Federation space. She was transferred to the Research & Development department of the Order just before the start of the war itself, where she managed to escape the great purge of Order operatives after elimination of the rest of the organization.


Since the end of the war, she has taken a position as the Cultural Embassador to Earth, and resides at the Cardassian Embassy on the Northern American Continent. She liases directly with the 1701st Fleet, where she attends charity functions, conventions, and other events, and hopes to share her knowledge and love of her homeworld's culture with as many people as she can. As the only Cardassian currently serving in the Fleet, she has earned the moniker, "Token Cardassian".


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